Social media marketing is a method used by marketers to help them market their business to their target audience. Many people have been using Facebook as a marketing platform for years and this is one of the biggest social sites online. The other huge site to be found on the Internet is Twitter. Twitter is a fast growing site, which has a ton of users and is free to join. This lets people post up information about themselves or just about anything they want to say. A lot of companies are doing business on Twitter and are finding success with it.
LinkedIn is another big platform for social media marketing. It is a database of professionals who are in the networking business. This allows them to market their business to other businesses that use LinkedIn. This is great for marketing companies that have a product, service or company they are trying to sell.
YouTube is also a place to market your business. People can upload videos and have it listed on YouTube for other people to view. There are many video sharing sites out there, and most of them are free to use. Many companies use YouTube to show potential customers what their business has to offer. They can give potential customers what they want to see in an advertisement. With a little help from these sites, you can let people know more about your business and why you are so special.