Let’s not kid ourselves, it’s hard to find quality products with Private Label Rights. Most of what’s out there is either completely amateur or is actually damaging to your computer system, reputation and business. The other problem is that most of the quality products with PLR are all over the place and thus difficult to sell.
These and many other reasons have led me to put together what I truly believe to be the best product membership on the internet. You see I have been addicted to buying new marketing tools wherever I can find them and this addiction has given me the ability to find the gems as they appear.
When I find a product that makes my life easier, more interesting or profitable, I get the resell rights to that product and add it to my arsenal. I spent over $43,000 in 2012 on products and over $24,000 in additional resell rights for the really good ones. That’s a total of over $57,000 in private label rights products, resell products and personal use products.
The worst thing about the investment I’ve made is that over 3/4 of what I bought did not pass the “make my life easier” test and will sit on my backup drive for eternity or until I need space on my backup. What’s left over is the Best of The Best of all of these products and that’s where you come in.
I’ve created The Best 10 Dollar Deal on the internet and you can have all of the best private label products, resell products and personal use products for just $10 a month. There are already close to 100 of my favorite products and I am adding new products all the time. Just today I added 12 beautiful Visual Sales Pages and you can see one right on my home page here. Every graphic you see, every plugin I am using and much of the behind the scenes machinery is from these products that you are about to have access to.
- Audio Products
- Video Training
- Video Production
- Marketing Software
- Graphic Collections
- Banner Collections
- Templates
- WordPress Plugins
- Articles
- Turnkey Blogs
- More and More
Private label rights are wonderful products when you have the rights ones. There is nothing better than offering a valuable product in exchange for a subscription to your list. When you begin a relationship by providing a product that actually helps you have a subscriber who will look forward to your messages and one that can potentially buy everything else you offer as long as it continues to be quality. You can have a direct line to that quality and make a lot of money by selling products and keeping 100% of the sale.
The advertising resources in The Best 10 Dollar Deal are incredible. Every graphic on all of my and my client’s sites are found in the graphic collections available for immediate download. A minute amount of customization is easy with the PSD files and you can instantly begin a professional graphic design service.
The opportunity is endless as long as you have a steady flow of high end PLR and Resell Rights products. Take a look at what I’ve put together and enjoy the fruits of my addiction.
See you at the top!
Michael Flores
The Best 10 Dollar Deal